Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Catch Me if You Can

Catch Me if You Can by John Williams (b. 1932) is one of the composition that me and Todd will play together on November.
It's from the soundtrack of the 2002 film Catch Me if You Can, which constituted a delightful departure for director Steven Spielberg. It tells the story of Frank Abagnale, the teenaged imposter, who baffled FBI agents with his incredible exploits.
The film is set in the now nostalgically tinged 1960's, and so it seemed to me that I might evoke the atmosphere of that time by writing as sort of impressionistic memoir of the progressive jazz movement that was then so popular. The also saxophone seemed the ideal vehicle for this expression and this piece is the result. The music relates to the often humorous sleuthing which took place in the story.
The piano accompaniment part is rather easy and tricky at the same time. Fast tempo, quarter note = 152, consists of triplet figurations, a toccata like movement. Quiet, light, smooth, and fun, that's how I describe this piece. I'm still at quarter note = 100 now, will get there, along with the other pieces. It starts with incomplete soft triplets and end short and soft in F sharp octave.

1 comment:

Dyona Richy said...

Lam Kenal...
Aq Dyona,18,f,Jakarta..
Guz bgt artikelnya,
Ceritain tentang pembuatan music di film ya ka?,aq suka bgt waqtu Leonardo Dicaprio and Tom Hank bersikeras....Sutradaranya jago sich...Steven Spilberg...pasti bisa memadukan penjiwaan seni peran dan musicnya....hehehe
nice to see u....
ak ikutan blogspot lingkup jawa barat.
kunjungi aq di :
